ShamAIn: Designing Superior Conversational AI Inspired by Shamanism
Hyungjun Cho, Jiyeon Amy Seo, Jiwon Lee, Chang-Min Kim, Tek-Jin Nam
CHI 2025. (To be appeared)

Living Alongside Areca: Exploring Human Experiences with Things Expressing Thoughts and Emotions
Hyungjun Cho, Tek-Jin Nam
CHI 2025. (To be appeared)

Back to the 1990s, BeeperRedux!: Revisiting Retro Technology to Reflect Communication Quality and Experience in the Digital Age
Jiyeon Amy Seo, Hyungjun Cho, Seolhee Lee, EunJeong Cheon  
CHI 2025. (To be appeared)

The Effect of In-Car Agent Embodiment on Different Types of Information Delivery
Bonhee Ku, Chang-Min Kim, Hyungjun Cho, Jisu Park, Tek-Jin Nam 
CHI 2025. (To be appeared)

Reimagining Human-Thing Interactions Through Iterative Posthumanist Design Speculations
Hyungjun Cho
DIS 2024 (Doctoral Consortium).

Areca: A Design Speculation on Everyday Products Having Minds
Hyungjun Cho, Jiyeon Lee, Bonhee Ku, Yunwoo Jeong, Shakhnozakhon Yadgarova, Tek-Jin Nam
DIS 2023. 🏅 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award (Top 5% of submissions) 

The story of Beau: Exploring the potential of generative diaries in shaping social perceptions of robots 
Hyungjun Cho, Tek-Jin Nam
International Journal of Design 2023.

AutomataStage: an AR-mediated Creativity Support Tool for Hands-on Multidisciplinary Learning
Yunwoo Jeong, Hyungjun Cho, Taewan Kim, Tek-Jin Nam
CHI 2023.

Understanding the relationship between in-car agent’s embodiments and information with different criticality
Bonhee Ku, Hyungjun Cho, Tek-Jin Nam
IASDR 2023.

IoTIZER: A Versatile Mechanical Hijacking Device for Creating Internet of Old Things
Hyungjun Cho, Hanjong Kim, Jiyeon Lee, Changmin Kim, Jinsung Bae, Tek-Jin Nam 
DIS 2021. 

Understanding AI-Generated Personal Narratives as Design Material for Socially Engaging Things
Hyungjun Cho, Gyungwon Yun, Jiyeon Lee, Tek-Jin Nam
IASDR 2021.

M.Integrator: A Maker’s Tool for Integrating Kinetic Mechanisms and Sensors. 
Yunwoo Jeong, Hanjong Kim, Hyungjun Cho, Tek-Jin Nam
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 2020.
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